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알아두면 언젠가 쓴다
Finding delicious pork belly in Seoul is always a delightful adventure. As I mentioned in a previous post, many of the popular eateries have long waits, making them hard to visit. Therefore, this time, I will introduce the top 7 BBQ franchises in Seoul that pork belly enthusiasts can enjoy without waiting. Let's explore these places where you can savor authentic Korean BBQ amidst your busy lives..
Welcome to my latest adventure in Seoul's fashion landscape – the Ader Error flagship store in Sinsa. Nestled in the bustling streets of Gangnam, this store is a revelation for fashion aficionados and newcomers alike. Lcoation of Ader Error Sinsa Sapce Address : 31-10, Dosan-daero 11-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea Brand History Ader Error, established in 2014, is not just a brand; it'..
This blog post delves into the rich history and diverse culture of Korean barbecue, a beloved culinary tradition in Korea. It highlights how Korean barbecue, known as 'Guee,' involves grilling meat directly over fire, a practice rooted in ancient customs and enjoyed in social and family gatherings. Historical Background Korean barbecue's origins are traced back to the Joseon Dynasty, evolving fr..